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Steinhuder Meer
iF DESIGN AWARD 2022_p_RGB_png.png

Hello, Moin, 안녕!

Hi, I’m Sanghee Park, a UX/UI designer living in Germany, originally from South Korea.


My journey has taken me from the bustling streets of South Korea to the heart of Europe, where I’ve spent the last 11 years soaking in diverse experiences. I’m fluent in both German and English (besides Korean), and these languages, like the cultures they represent, have become a part of how I see the world.


I’ve always been fascinated by the different ways humans live, think, and interact.​

From growing up in a traditional Korean family with a rich history to living in thoroughly inovative outside world, I’ve seen how varied life can be.

I’ve moved through so many different life radius since childhood —from progressive to conservative, from the deeply educated to those who’ve learned through life’s experiences, from the young to the old, and across different cultures and mindsets.

This has made me a person with an open mind and a broad perspective, who is always willing to see things from a new angle.


As a designer, I enjoy finding a balance between  thoughtful analysis with quick, intuitive decision-making. My approach is rooted in the belief that the best designs come from truly understanding the audience, not just imposing my own preferences.


Outside of my work, I draw inspiration from many sources —from the ancient history of Korea to the mysteries of the universe.

Whether I’m playing the piano, enjoying sushi, foraging for chanterelles, or gazing at the stars through my telescope, these experiences fuel my creativity and keep me connected to the world around me.





MHP - A Porsche Company

  • UX Design Consultant

Germany, June 2022 - Now


  • UX Design Junior Consultant

Germany, December 2021 - May 2022

IF Design Award | Winner, Professional Concept, 2022 âž¤


German Design Award | Nominee, Newcomer, 2023


UX Design Award | Silver prize, New Talent Award, 2022 ➤


ADC Talent Award | Bronze, 2022 ➤


PAGE – Design. Code. Business. | Web | Print



Sponsorship award HAWK Hildesheim | Nominee, 2021


Full scholarship Incheon National University(INU) | Excellent foreign language speakers TOEIC 965, 08.2017


60% scholarship INU | excellent students, 01.2017


Full scholarship INU | The top student, 08.2013


Full scholarship INU | The top student, 01.2013


and more


Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK)
Master in UX Design

Germany, 2018 - 2021


Incheon National University (INU)
Bachelor in Product & UX Design

South Korea, 2011 - 2017


Georg-August University of Göttingen

Bachelor in Art History and East Asian Studies

(Exchange programme & language course)

Germany, 2014 - 2016



See my works here :


Contact me, give me feedbacks, have a chat with me :

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