Hello, Moin, 안녕!
Hi, my name is Sanghee Park, a Germany-based UX designer from South Korea.
Coming from the head house of Park of Suncheon, a royal consort clan with a history of over a thousand years, the ancient tradition and Korean ethos have been one of my fountains of inspiration for designing.
I believe that culture and design are closely interwoven and need to be seen in conjunction with each other.
Therefore juxtaposing the most progressive ideas with traditions and bringing diverse ethos closer to each other in a respectful way are my favourite moments in design process.
My emphasis is on interaction between human and artificial environment and cross-cultural design.
With my multi-directional mindset acquired through long residencies in foreign lands, I very much enjoy looking for design solutions that fit into a global perspective.
This ability, along with my discreet analytical spirit, allows me to find truly user-centred solutions by discovering unacknowledged values and underlying desires of the users.
I learn from and carry on the heritage of mankind's past, live the present, read and design the future.
Sometimes I wander to the Jungjong Coup where the new king was crowned after the old fell, or to the event horizon of our neighbour black hole Cygnus X-1 and get greatly inspired by the immensity of time.
I like piano, sushi, chanterelle and telescopes.

IF Design Award | Winner, Professional Concept, 2022 ➤
German Design Award | Nominee, Newcomer, 2023
UX Design Award | Silver prize, New Talent Award, 2022 ➤
ADC Talent Award | Bronze, 2022 ➤
PAGE – Design. Code. Business. | Web | Print
Sponsorship award HAWK Hildesheim | Nominee, 2021
Full scholarship Incheon National University(INU) | Excellent foreign language speakers TOEIC 965, 08.2017
60% scholarship INU | excellent students, 01.2017
Full scholarship INU | The top student, 08.2013
Full scholarship INU | The top student, 01.2013
and more

MHP - A Porsche Company
UX Design Consultant
December 2021 - Now
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK)
Master in UX Design
Germany, 2018 - 2021
Incheon National University (INU)
Bachelor in Product & UX Design
South Korea, 2011 - 2017
Georg-August University of Göttingen
Bachelor in Art History and East Asian Studies
Germany, 2014 - 2016